Home Events College Day Celebrations 2023


College Day Celebrations 2023

08-05-2023 | Celebrations | Venue: AUDITORIUM

Mazharul Uloom College, Ambur organized its 54th COLLEGE DAY on 08.05.2023 at 11am at N.M.Zackriah Auditorium. Alijanab Alhaj M. Nazar Mohamed Saheb, Secretary and Correspondent of the college, presided over the function. The programme began with the invocation by Mr.T.  Hafeezur Rahman from I B.Com followed by translation of the recited verses from the Holy Quran by Ms. A. Umme kulsum from III B.SC MB. The gathering sung the Tamil Thai Mr. Mudassir V.M - III B.SC (CS), Chairman - College Union Shift I welcomed the gathering. Dr. K.H. Kaleemullah, Principal i/c invited Dr. N. Fathima Thabassum, Assistant Professor of Commerce, to present the Annual report. Alijanab Alhaj M. Nazar Mohamed Saheb, Secretary and Correspondent of the college delivered the presidential address. Dr. P.M. Aadil Ahmed, former Principal and Member- College Management Committee delivered special address.  Dr. P. J. Sadia Parveen, Staff Vice- President, College Union Shift II, introduced the Chief Guest to the students. Chief Guest Dr. Muralidharan, Principal of  E. S. Arts and Science College Co-Ed, Vilupuram in s his peech motivated the students and gave tips to improve their communication, competency, courage, character and confidence. Certificates &f Prizes for the achievers in the university examinations and the winners in various competitions were distributed. Ms. M. Rasafun Nisha  - III B.SC MB,  Deputy Chairman -College Union Shift II proposed Vote of Thanks. Assistant Secretary, AMES and College management committee member Janab K. Firdaus Ahmed Saheb graced the occasion by his presence. Vice-Principal Administration Dr. A.Shafee Ahmed Khan and Vice-Principal Academic Dr. P. Rizwan Ahmed were present on the dais. All the faculty members and non-teaching staff members along with the students took active participation in the function.

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