Home Facilities Central Library

Central Library

Library Regulations

  • The library functions from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all working days.
  • Students are asked to get Log-in by showing their College ID Card in the Gate Register Computer QR scanner while entering and Log-out while going out of the library.
  • Students should maintain silence and cleanliness in the library.
  • The library works on the Open Access System. Users can inform the library staff while entering the library stack area.
  • Library properties should not be defaced in any way.
  • A book may be re-issued to the same student if no one else has asked for it.
  • Any book in demand may be lent for a shorter period.
  • The patron can borrow the books using a College ID Card.
  • Don’t misplace the book in the rack from one place to another place.
  • I & II Year students can take two books and III year students can take three books at a time for a period of 14 days, if required renew it by requesting the library staff.
  • Sub-lending of books is strictly prohibited.
  • Please check whether the book is in good condition before you borrow it.
  • Library materials should be handled with great care, if the book is lost or defaced in any way, it should be replaced by the borrower.
  • If anybody violates regulations, he/she will be fined and severely dealt with.
  • Complaints can be registered with the Librarian.

English Department Library
Around 300 books have been earmarked for and deposited in the English Department Library of our college for the benefit of students of English Literature and Language. The books can be directly borrowed from the Department through the Librarian in-charge.

Book Bank
Text books will be issued to the poor and deserving students from the Book Bank on the recommendation of the staff concerned for one academic year. The recipients should return them to the Book Bank at the end of academic year on or before the date specified by the authorities.

Mission of The Library
A College Library functioning with the prime objective of promoting College education. With this aim, Library provides timely accurate current information and materials to its valuable users for Education & Profession, Teaching & Learning, and Research & Development. The College Library occupies a prominent place in the intellectual life of the college learning community and it is sure to grow in importance and usefulness in the years ahead.

Reference Collection
Reference Collection contains Dictionaries, Handbooks, Directories, Standard reference materials, and copies of course-related books. Items from this collection cannot be borrowed. These are for "in-the-library" use only. Encyclopedias on various subjects are procured and added to the existing collection.