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IQAC Members

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of our college was launched after Accreditation in the academic year 2007-08 on 22/07/2007 and has been doing yeoman service since then. It tries to ensure quality in higher education programs and has been instrumental in switching over from the chalk and talk method to techno-teaching, automation of office work, providing internet facility to all departments, and connecting them through LAN. The Smart Room and the Smart Seminar Hall have been extensively used by the faculties. It has facilitated co-curricular activities like Soft Skills, Spoken English, and Orientation programs for the students as well as the Staff. It also guides CGPC to conduct more job related interviews in the campus.

The Secretary and Correspondent and the Principal is pleased to nominate the following faculties of our college in the various positions of the IQAC.

Dr. M. Mohamed Ismail Principal, Chairman

Dr. A. Shafee Ahmed Khan – Vice Principal

Mrs. M. A. Uzefa Rashida Director, IQAC

Dr. B. Asadullah, Coordinator, IQAC

Prof. A. Sakhoor Basha - External Expert

Dr. P. M. Aadil Ahmed - Educationist

Mr. Firduas K. Ahmed - Management Representative

Mr. U. Thameem Ahmed - Industry, Representative

Mr. P. Taha Mohammed - Alumni Representative

Mr. S. Mohammed Sufiyan  -Parent Representative

Mr. A. Md. Nayeemullah Khan -Member

Dr. R. Jothilakshmi - Member

Dr. P. Rizwan Ahmed - Member

Mr. A. Noorul Ameen – Member

Mr. A. Zakiuddin Ahmed - Member

Dr. S. Afsar Ahmed -Member

Dr. N. Fathima Thabussum -Member

Mr. I. Aslam Sheriff - Administrative Staff

Mr. A. Aqeel Ahmed - Technical Assistant

Mr. S.M. Mohammed Yaseen - Technical Assistant

Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary – Students Representatives